So I was reading some of the stuff one of my Mentors, Craig Ballantyne, published about leadership and I have to say it is pretty good.
I am a firm believer that leadership is something that cannot be taught. These are skills which one possesses innately and can be developed. In the online world people are looking to be well lead as it is information they seek from someone they believe to be a credible source...You!
Here is what Craig Had to say about leadership, which is all contained in the video package Profit DVD Series
If you want to make more money online, then become a leader. Here's why...
If you've never been to a dog park, here's what happens.
One dog starts sniffing a certain area on the grass. The next thing you know, there's 6 dogs sniffing the same spot. Only ONE of them knows why, and the other 5 are just following.
Because dogs follow the leader.
And PEOPLE are the same way.
On my fat loss member's forum, my Turbulence Training clients are debating whether fruit makes you fat. And they are finding experts online giving all types of opinions.
Opinions that DIFFER from mine.
But I am the LEADER I gave my opinion and told them that I am right, and everyone else is wrong.
No wishy-washy, "Well, it depends on the circumstances and the color of the fruit and whether or not you ate goat protein with it and whether it was in your 14.6 minute post-workout window of opportunity..."
None of that.
Just a straight cut-and-dried proclamation from their leader.
And they LOVE IT.
Because now the conflict is solved in their minds. Then can go on to other things.
And that's what you have to do as a leader for your niche.
People are looking for leaders.
Especially in these turbulent times.
People want ANSWERS.
They want to follow someone with confidence.
They want folks like these OSP members...
--> Michael Massie, who is stepping up and becoming the leader in helping Martial Arts Studio owners get more students & help more people.
--> Brian Grasso who is taking the reigns as the leader in the Worldwide youth training market & showing other coaches how to work with - in my opinion - the best possible clientele ever - kids!
--> Troy Anderson who is going to become the leader in kettlebell training for fat loss (I can't believe NO ONE had focused on this before!).
--> Jennifer Nicole Lee who is the leader in helping women achieve fitness model bodies.
--> Pat Beith & Latief Thomas who are the leaders in speed training for young athletes.
--> And me, the leader in helping YOU make more money online.
It is time for you to stand up.
To speak out.
To be the leader.
The leader that people are so desperately seeking in this confusing world.
If you've got the solution to your client's problem, why aren't you telling EVERYONE?
Take a stand. You'll stand out.
And by doing so, this will allow you to increase and improve the communication with your clients. And that is the key to online success.
So As you can see, it is important to be clear on who you as you relate to the people you have decided to lead.
If you want to learn this and many other secrets and start to become successful online you need to educate yourself and this video series is a good start Profit DVD Series .
Helping You Make Cash Online,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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